Curator Residency
Deadline: August 16, 2015
Curator Residency
Tabakalera is launching a residency programme with accommodation to support artists, creators and cultural agents. As Tabakalera is a centre for the creation of art, the main objective of this aid programme is to provide support to artistic processes at both the conceptual and production levels.
This programme, along with other existing Tabakalera programmes, seeks to create a space in which different agents and their projects coexist in the Tabakalera environment to promote possible collaborations between residents and guest agents.
The aim of this call for applications is to assist curators in the preparation of an exhibition that will take place in the Tabakalera showrooms in autumn 2016.
The residency, which will be for one month, will offer space, context and time for the development of the curatorial project in the format of an exhibition. The selected curator will be able to give shape to the proposal during his/her stay in autumn 2015.
This call for applications is open to all physical or legal persons, national or international, who are professionally engaged in the development of projects of a curatorial nature, either partially or exclusively, in the field of contemporary art, or who show willingness to start a career in this sector.
Natural or legal persons may also be submitted to the call, together, without requiring the formalization of any relationship between them.
Committee and selection criteria
The projects accepted must demonstrate the intention to explore new ways of carrying out curatorial activities and to find new ways for different disciplines to interrelate.
Tabakalera will create a joint committee to assess projects based on these criteria:
– The ability of the project to establish links with other spheres of thought and its ability to connect with unusual contexts of artistic practice will also be assessed.
– Innovation and originality in both the conceptual approach and the formalisation of the project.
– The quality and creativity of the project.
– The coherence of the project with the candidate’s career to date.
– The appropriateness of the project in relation to Tabakalera’s existing lines of work and interest.
– The viability and suitability in relation to the facilities and exhibition spaces that Tabakalera has available.
– The extent to which the project and the candidate aim to understand the context and his/her desire to involve local agents and other residents in the project and/or in their working sessions will also be taken into account.
Tabakalera will form a joint committee composed of own and external staff, to assess the projects according to the criteria above.
The commission may declare the contest void if it considers that none of the projects met the requirements.
The residency will take place on the Tabakalera premises in Donostia/San Sebastián. The programme includes the following benefits:
1. Return journey for the curator, from his/her residence or wherever he/she may be just before the time period of resicency.
2. Medical insurance during the period of residency.
3. Fully equipped apartment (kitchen, bathroom and bedroom with a small work area, internet access via Wi-Fi).
4. €1,000 (excluding taxes and deductions) per month of residency as allowance for subsistence and maintenance. In the case of groups a total amount will be established for the stay.
5. A workspace in the Tabakalera production area, equipped with the basic furniture, lighting and electricity.
6. Access to the office and common areas.
7. Access to the collection of Tabakalera’s specialised creation library.
8. Technical resources and support from the team according to requirements and availability.
9. Conceptual support in the development of the project and assistance and support for its introduction to different agents and projects within the same context if this is required by the resident.
In the event that a project is selected where one of the artists or agents, local or non-local, consists of a collective, the above mentioned amounts shall be assigned either to the physical person that the collective appoints or, at the request of the collective and after a discretionary decision by Tabakalera, by quantifying the financial amount that the residency consists of (insofar as it is possible) and allocating to one, several or all of the members of the collective some of the amounts, with an equivalent total value.
For more information and to apply please visit: