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Online Courses on Contemporary Curating

Offered by the Postgraduate Programme in Curating, Continuing Education, ZHdK
in affiliation with the online publication, and the PhD in Practice in Curating programme.

Head of the programme: Prof. Dr. Dorothee Richter
Contact: Giovanna Bragaglia

Please find detailed information for all courses here:

The Online Courses on Contemporary Curating provide in-depth insights into specific areas of knowledge in curating; they are aimed at all those in contact with cultural, curatorial, and artistic interventions wishing to intensify and expand their understanding of culture, its role in society, and its capacity for change. The courses are designed to foster a more comprehensive understanding of culture, art, and curating and to seek to expand the boundaries of art. All course lecturers are highly engaged and active in their respective fields. You can learn more about them in each course description.

We believe in a learning environment that empowers the participants. Besides the knowledgeable contributions by the lecturers, the courses will at certain points enable a workshop-like format that aims to be a space of encounter and open discussion, where direct engagement with the lecturer and other participants is possible and welcome.

Each Online Course is set on two Saturdays, 2–6 pm CET. The courses are held live via Zoom and contain substantial input by the lecturers, workshop formats in groups and/or individually, discussions, and feedback and evaluation. Each Online Course is credited with 1 ECTS point, and a Certificate of Completion is conferred. The courses are conducted by the Center of Continuing Education at the Zurich University of the Arts.

Courses on offer:

Curating and Law
Lecturer: Martin Fritz
Course dates: 9 October + 16 October 2021, 2–6pm (CEST)

Training for the Not-Yet: Imagination as a Collective Exercise of Care
Lecturer: Jeanne van Heeswijk
Course dates: 23 October + 30 October 2021, 2–6pm (CEST) 

Practical Strategies for Founding an Off-Space
Lecturer: Ella Krivanek
Course dates: 6 November + 13 November 2021, 2–6pm (CET) 

Curating and Money
Lecturer: Martin Fritz
Course dates: 20 November + 27 November 2021, 2–6pm (CET) 

Curating Performance and Performativity as Curatorial Method
Lecturer: Sarah Spies, PhD
Course dates: 4 December + 11 December 2021, 2–6pm (CET) 

Entering the Conversation: The Nuts and Bolts of Academic Writing
Lecturer: Stephanie Carwin
Course dates: 15 January + 22 January 2022, 2–6pm (CET)

Curating to Speak the Unknown
Lecturer: Antonio Cataldo
Course dates: 29 January + 5 February 2022, 2–6pm (CET) 

Approaches to Feminist and Queer Curating
Lecturer: Laura Castagnini
Course dates: 12 February + 26 February 2022, 2–6pm (CET) 

Curating (short) Film
Lecturer: Laura Walde
Course dates: 12 March + 19 March 2022, 2–6pm (CET) 


Collaborations with
– Postgraduate Programme in Curating:
– publication platform
– PhD in Practice in Curating, Practice-Based Doctoral Programme, University of Reading:

Zurich University of the Arts is amongst the largest art schools in Europe. While firmly anchored in greater Zurich, its influence extends well beyond Switzerland to the wider international stage. As the cultural centre for art in Switzerland, Zurich provides a unique and vibrant cultural scene at the heart of Europe.
