A 12 day-residency programme in Madrid
Atelier Solar is a non-for-profit organization whose aim is promoting Spanish art and encouraging professional collaboration between artists, galleries and curators.
Throughout 2020, Atelier Solar will host eight art curators living in Europe (EU, Schengen and the Balkans; Spain based curators will be accepted). Each residency will take place in Madrid and last 12 days. Atelier Solar will cover the travel expenses, accommodation and provide a € 600 budget for every curator in residence. The residencies will host a curator every two weeks. The room offers a single bed, a kitchen, a bathroom and a desk. Adjacent to the room, there are two studios for local artists working there, selected by public competition.
A representative of Atelier Solar will accompany every curator through at least 10 artist studios in Madrid. They will also attend openings, events and museums. The studio visits will be planned choosing the artists among the portfolios received in a public competition open to local artists. These portfolios will be available online in order to prepare the visits a few days prior to arrival.
Every curator will have a talk with some of the chosen artists in Galería Nueva, an art gallery in Doctor Fourquet Street at the end of their residence.
After the residency programme, every curator makes a commitment to show or promote the work of at least one of the artists in Madrid in some of his or her curatorial projects over the next three years.
In order to apply, curators around Europe must complete an application form (one page) and send a short CV (one page) and a brief portfolio with a selection of relevant curatorships developed by themselves (no more than eight pages).
The deadline will be on Wednesday the 30th January 2020. Applications should be sent to hola@ateliersolar.org with the subject EUROPEAN CURATOR.
The jury will be composed by Marta Cervera (gallerist), Almudena Blanco (independent curator), Martim Dias (independent curator) and Daniel Silvo (artist).
This programme is possible thanks to the Madrid City Council.