The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation – Curatorial Intern
Invitation for Application for the Post of Curatorial Intern For
The 17th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition
Hong Kong Exhibition in Venice and Response Exhibition in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation (HKIABF) and Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) have joined hands to participate in the 17th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition – Biennale Architettura 2020. By exhibiting in Venice and Hong Kong through the Project, HKIABF and HKADC aim to :
- present to the world Hong Kong’s architectural and urban design with emphasis on creative and innovative aspects in response to our unique culture, economy and topography;
- promote creativity and develop international perspective amongst the architectural profession though creativity;
- create a favourable environment conducive to the development of architectural and urban design in Hong Kong.
Curatorial Intern
1. Eligibility
a) Hong Kong permanent residents aged 18 or above, aspired to a career in arts administration.
b) Normally graduates of a tertiary institute, preferably obtained within the last three years, with a track record in arts administration/curatorship and/or related experience.
c) With an understanding of arts organisation operation.
d) Applicants are encouraged to submit testimonial letters from collaborative arts organisation or professional arts practitioners.
e) Current or former administrative / curatorial staff of the organization, and current or former interns are not eligible.
2. Duties of the Curatorial Intern
a) to closely work with the Curators and Organizers for the project delivery;
b) to assist Curator and Organizers in organizing activities and site issues during the Response Exhibition;
c) to coordinate with exhibitors;
d) to prepare publicity materials in coordination with the PR Team;
e) to provide onsite support for the Hong Kong Response exhibition;
f) to supervise the caretakers, venue guides, cleaners and security guards;
g) to liaise with contractors, vendors and suppliers etc.;
h) to attend bi-weekly meetings and report to the Organizer on the progress of the Curatorial Team;
i) to assist in the insurance and license applications;
j) to assist in documentation of the project; and
k) to distribut to distribute and to collect questionnaire from visitors.
3. Duration of Contract
The contract is scheduled for commencement since April 2020 till March 2021 (12-month contract), with possibility of extension of contract subject to the funding availability.
4. Remuneration
Remuneration will be commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the candidates. Please apply with full details of qualifications, career experience, salary history and expected salary to on or before 20 March 2020.