The Kinkade Family Foundation is proud to administer a new Emergency Grant for curators who are developing projects that promote artwork of contemporary and experimental nature. The Emergency Grant provides funding for a curatorial project that sheds light on the world during this time of darkness. Priority will be given to curators who have a venue secured for their project and are greatly impacted by the challenges we are facing due to COVID-19.
The program will provide one-time grants of up to $5,000 for unexpected emergencies related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The grant is available to curators who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents in the United States, District of Columbia, or U.S. Territories. If you aren’t sure if your discipline fits within these guidelines, please contact the grants administrator.
- Applicants must be living in the United States or U.S. territories and have a U.S. Tax ID Number (SSN, EIN, ITIN, or other)
- Applicants must have committed performance or exhibition opportunities and be able to provide a specific time window at the time of application.
- Applicants must be a curator or art historian with a track record of producing scholarly curatorial projects. Artists are not eligible to apply.
- Projects that are to open after December 31st, 2020, project that have already happened, reimbursement incurred for past projects
- Life-related emergencies such as food, rent, medical bills, childcare, and other basic necessities
- Reimbursement for expenses that you have already incurred
- Projects with no scheduled exhibition or performance dates
- Fees for participation in a residency program, or other educational and artistic development opportunities.
- Deposits and registration fees for participation in an exhibition, fair, or other presentation opportunity
- Projects taking place in commercial gallery spaces
- Requests to attend, present at, or organize professional training, workshops, lectures, symposiums, conferences, or competitions
- Students (high school, undergraduate, graduate, Ph.D., doctoral candidates, and any other students enrolled in any degree program
- Production of CDs, albums, or music videos
Emergency Grants applications are accepted through emailing a PDF proposal of your project to Please include up to a 500 word statement proposal with up to 10 supporting images, up to a 250 word statement on why you should receive the grant, examples of past exhibitions, related press, and biography.
Applications are accepted immediately and through April 12th, 2020 to meet curators needs in a timely manner. KFF’s panel will meet in the middle of April. We review applications received within a shorter timeline, but please keep in mind that you may not hear back from KFF until May. Applicants should not request more funding than needed.
KFFs Emergency Panelists will consider the urgent nature of each request, the opportunity for which the curator is applying for funding, the impact an Emergency Grant would have on the curators ability to carry out the project, the clarity of the written request, and the strength of the work samples submitted.
Receipt of your application will be acknowledged via an automated email. Please be aware that communication from KFF may unintentionally go to your Spam folder. Please do not contact KFF about the status of your application. All applicants will receive notification of the panel’s decision following the panel meeting. Grant checks are mailed to awardees within four weeks of approval. KFF has a small Programs team that is responsible for reviewing all Emergency Grants requests. We appreciate applicants refraining from calling with phone inquiries.
Following Thomas Kinkade’s lead who made significant contributions to those in need, the Foundation is excited to offer this opportunity. The Kinkade Family Foundation is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that is dedicated to sharing Thomas Kinkade’s art, supporting the arts and creative process, and pursuing humanitarian works in the global community. Please look through the Foundation website and recent humanitarian work, press, and exhibitions the Foundation has supported and been involved with