Eligibe publications
Authors, museums, universities, research institutes, or publishers in and outside of Korea are eligibe.
Topics may include introduction to and discourse on Korean visual arts or books falling under the following: Art history; tendencies & trends; critics and theory; on-the-spot introduction to Korean contemporary arts. Catalogs of a single artist’s work or periodicals(such as magazines or journals) are not the intended target of KAMS support.
The publication must be completed within the project period, which can be set for up to three years.
–Applicant must have completed prior consultation with the overseas publisher on budget execution and the publisher’s project requirements and submit a letter of agreement from the publisher.
–Both the letter of agreement and a signed copy of the publishing contract with the overseas publisher may be submitted if the overseas publication contract has been confirmed. If the contract has not yet been confirmed, first submit the letter of agreement and then submit the signed contract by the second week of July. (Failure to submit the contract by said date will automatically terminate the selection.)
–Number of first edition prints must exceed 1,000; number of pages must exceed 40 A4-size pages.
–Applicant is advised to include the author’s writing fees in the application; publishing contract is required to include the author’s royalty agreement.
–The grant amount applied is capped at 80 percent of the total publication budget; the applicant must cover more than 20 percent of the budget.
–If the applicant receives support on manuscript writing, translation, or publication from another organization, it must be stated in the application form. Duplicate grant amounts will not be awarded on overlapping items.
Grant amount
KAMS can fund a maximum of KRW 50 million (approximately USD 44,000) for the expenses of a book; the publisher can choose hoped-for items among fees for manuscript writing, translation, editing, production cost, image copywriting and others.
How to apply
Online submission: art-trans@gokams.or.kr. Please download and fill out the application here and submit it with the required documents.
Required documents
(1) Applicant’s resume. (2) Application form (standardized format). (3) Acknowledgement letter from publisher (standardized format). (4) Publication contract and evidential documents thereof. (5) Table of contents, book overview, and brief outline of each chapter. (6) Overseas publisher’s portfolio covering the last three years (emphasis on visual arts publications).
–Application will be excluded from evaluation if a letter of agreement from the overseas publisher is not submitted.
–Grant will be cancelled if the contract is not submitted within the specified period after selection.
–Submitted documents and materials will not be returned. Application form and other submitted documents cannot be replaced or added to after the application period is over.
–If any of the information in the application documents is found to have been falsified, the selection decision may be cancelled even after the grant award is confirmed and the grant must be returned in full.
–If a plagiarized manuscript or manuscript involved in copyright dispute is submitted for application, the selection decision may be cancelled even after the grant award is confirmed and the grant must be returned in full, with the applicant in question ineligible to receive support from the KAMS for a given period.
–It must be specified on the copyright page that the publication received support from the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism and Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS) (e.g., “This publication was supported by KAMS [Korea Arts Management Service]”) and include the organizations’ logos.
–Eighty percent of the grant must be returned should the final book fail to be published within the timeline agreed upon with KAMS.
Visual Art Planning Team, Korea Arts Management Service(KAMS): art-trans@gokams.or.kr / vy617@gokams.or.kr