AdMare, centre d’artistes en art actuel des Îles-de-la-Madeleine, in collaboration with the Société de conservation des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (SCÎM), is launching a call for projects to independent contemporary art curators living in Quebec and the Maritimes.
The selected curator will be in residence at AdMare for 2 to 3 weeks in October 2021 and act as the artistic director of a specific program of artist residencies and dissemination of contemporary art projects that showcase the natural sites protected by SCÎM.
This program is part of a tradition of events-residencies organized by AdMare with the aim of creating a forum of exchange between the art and resident communities of the Magdalen Islands and elsewhere (faire avec, 2013; Songlines, 2016; SEULS et ENSEMBLE, 2021). Accompanied by AdMare, curators and artists propose projects that encourage interactions with the local communities and land through their contextual, relational, performative, covert, infiltrating, or ephemeral approaches.
With this in mind, the curator is invited to create programming that offers a thoughtful and in-depth look at nature, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, and that builds connections between nature and human beings through a process of care.
During their residency, the curator will elaborate their curatorial approach and select four to eight artists or collectives who will come—one at a time over a period of two years—to be in residence at AdMare for one month. During this period, the artists will develop projects based on SCÎM’s vast network of protected natural areas. SCÎM will offer assistance regarding the biodiversity of the protected areas and their ecological or geographical points of interest, as well as provide guided tours and maps of the sites.
Hosting Conditions and Support:
Part 1 – Curator in residence for 2 to 3 weeks
– residency honorarium of $4,000 (includes writing the description of the curatorial project, selecting the artists, and co-writing two grant applications)
– travel expenses up to $750
– on-site accommodation for the residency period
– artistic and logistical support (assistance with exploring the local art network and community)
– SCÎM will offer the curator a guided tour and documentation of the sites.
Part 2 (subject to funding approval) – Artistic direction and project realization
– honorarium for acting as artistic director of the programming (following up with the artists, writing texts, etc.) of $4,000
– support with managing finances and logistics and promoting the programming
– accommodation and coordination of artists
– photographic documentation of the projects
– SCÎM will offer the artists a guided tour and documentation of the sites.
Part 3 (subject to funding approval) – Publication
– publication of a catalogue upon completion of the project.
Submitting a Proposal
-Your proposal must include the following in a single PDF file:
- A description of the curatorial project proposed in connection with the mandates of AdMare and SCÎM and a curatorial statement outlining your areas of research (700 words)
- Your curriculum vitae (maximum 3 pages)
- Your biography (150 words)
- Your preference of whether you would like to select the artists through a call for projects or by invitation. If the latter, you can include a list of possible artists
- The description of the images provided in the portfolio
– A portfolio including a maximum of 15 images of previous projects (JPG format, 72 ppi, not exceeding 1 MB). Hyperlinks to video or audio clips (maximum 3 minutes) may be included. Don’t send any audio and/or video file
– The completed registration form.
Send your application via Wetransfer to by June 20, 2021 at 5 p.m.
Please note that the working language is French and therefore, the curator must be able to communicate in this language at least minimally. As the islands are poorly served by public transportation, the curator also needs to have independent means of transportation in the area.
Everyone who submits a proposal will receive a confirmation of receipt. The selection committee will be composed of the artistic director and a member of the programming committee of AdMare and a representative of SCÎM. The selected curator will be contacted in early July 2021.
The Société de conservation des Îles-de-la-Madeleine is a non-profit organization established in 1997 to protect the exceptional natural areas and beauty of the Magdalen Islands.
The Réserve naturelle des Demoiselles, Boudreau Island, and Parc des Sillons are among the 63 protected areas to date. In addition to conservation, SCÎM carries out management, education, and interpretation activities on sites accessible to the public and promotes the conservation of natural areas through talks, publications, guided tours, and other information tools.