Surveying the scope of critical art writing today, the board, advisory board, and editors of Gulf Coast recognize the significant lack of venues and support for young and mid-career writers working across the United States. The Toni Beauchamp Prize in Critical Art Writing seeks to address this lacuna by bringing exposure to writers who are dealing with the spirit of the age and unafraid to ask difficult questions.
The 2021 Beauchamp Prize will be judged by Jenna Wortham, journalist and culture writer from The New York Times.
Gulf Coast is now accepting entries for the 2021 Toni Beauchamp Prize in Critical Art Writing. The contest awards $3,000 and publication in Gulf Coast to the winner. Two runners up will be awarded $1,000 each. Prize winners will be featured in Gulf Coast’s printed journal as well as online.
Submission Guidelines
– Click here for online submissions accepted via Gulf Coast’s Submittable
– Submit your work as a single .doc, .docx, or .pdf file.
– All work submitted must have been written or published within the last year.
– It is the author’s responsibility to secure image permissions and, when applicable, reprint permission if the submission has been previously published.
– The contest will be judged blindly, so please do not include your bio, your name, or any contact information in the uploaded document. This information should only be pasted in the “Comments” field.
– There is currently no entry fee.