In many places, social interaction seems to have become porous. In our hyper-connective, digital everyday life and a (post-)pandemic era, opinions prosper in information bubbles, hermetically demarcated from each other, and so give rise to new social realities. The question of how a democratic community could be re-imagined and renegotiated is becoming urgent.
The statement by artist Adrienne Piper from the 1960s, “The power of art is unlimited for social change” still carries weight today. But how can change succeed? How is it possible to break down unyielding points of view and create permeable spaces, in which collaboration can emerge, communities be formed, and paths of reciprocal learning be established?
Starting out from this question, Art in Public Space Tyrol 2022 will be dedicated to artistic social practices and thus operate in both rural and urban spaces – participatively, collaboratively, dialogically and sustainably. By incorporating local conditions, artistic fields of action should be created, in which collective interaction and togetherness are discussed, formulated and applied.
Since 2008, the funding program Art in Public Space has been implemented in cooperation between the State of Tyrol and the Tiroler Künstler:innenschaft (Tyrolean Artists’ Association), and financed by the State of Tyrol. For the year 2022, it is announced for the second time under a thematic focus defined by the Tiroler Künstler:innenschaft, intended to bracket its content while writing concepts and implementing the chosen projects. The aim of the funding is to promote contemporary art and cultural projects in public space, so making the discussion of current social issues accessible to a broad public and opening up a dialogue on cultural, social and political issues. Art in public space aims to trigger discussions and become an integral part in the development of fresh perspectives.
In this context there are no limits to the conceivable artistic formats: permanent sculptural art projects, temporary interventions as well as participatory, performative and dialogical formats in public rural and urban spaces may be supported. Special attention will be paid to project submissions that are site-specific and have inherently communicative formats. In order to reach the most diverse audience possible, the projects should represent a synergy between artistic practice and everyday culture. In this sense, the venues of the projects may be as diverse as the projects themselves, offering opportunities to make art experienceable beyond the boundaries of cultural institutions.
- The call for proposals should serve as a starting point and bracketing of content for the project submitted.
- Projects must be realized in the Tyrol, in public rural or urban areas, and must address the specific conditions of the chosen location.
- It must be possible to implement the selected projects within the period March to November 2022.
- Following an award by the jury, the prerequisite for state funding is the submission of every possible necessary permission for the project’s realization, as well as agreement from the authorities responsible for the location(s) of the project submitted.
- Excluded are: funding in retrospect or the acquisition of an already realized artwork, classical “Art in Architecture” projects, publications that do not form part of a project, and events in public space like concerts or theatre productions with no link of content to the funding action.
The call for tenders is directed towards international artists, artist collectives, curators, art or artist societies working in the field of contemporary visual art.
In 2022, the action Art in Public Space will be endowed with EUR 80,000 by the State of Tyrol. The amount of state funding for the projects recommended for implementation can, according to the recommendation of the jury, amount to 100% of the total eligible costs. Two to three projects will be invited for realization from among the projects submitted.
Three independent, expert jurors appointed in conjunction by the State of Tyrol and the Tiroler Künstler:innenschaft will choose from among the submitted projects and develop a proposition for funding. The final decision on funding is made by the member of the Tyrolean State Parliament responsible for cultural affairs.
Christiane Erharter (curator Belvedere, Vienna/Hopfgarten)
Kira Kirsch (artistic direction/CEO, brut, Vienna)
Raul Walch (artist, Berlin)
Re: “Art in public space 2022”- via email only to
Detailed project description including formats of art education (max. 8 pages, DIN A4): text, visualization in the form of sketches, renderings or photos of models.
Cost and financing plan (project-related means of communication, travel and accommodation costs, fees, material and production costs, communication formats …)
Timetable for the realization of the project
Completed data sheet
Information about the submitter(s) of the project
Documentation of previous artistic works
Expected end of October 2021
Submission of an application does not lead to any legal claim to funding. The jury’s decision is final. Granting of funds and the handling of the funding procedure will be administered by the State of Tyrol within the context of currently valid subsidy guidelines. The realization of sponsored projects must occur in accordance with the project time plan.
Information regarding project calculations: services on the artist’s own account can be listed in the calculation as part of the overall costs up to an hourly rate of max. EUR 30,- and up to 30 % of the total cost, and included in the calculation in accordance with the list of services for the action “Art in Public Space”. This directive applies only to funding procedures in the context of the action “Art in Public Space”.
The entrant declares him- or herself in agreement with the publication of his/her name and also of any submitted illustrative material, sketches or other visualizations e.g. for media reports or on the State of Tyrol’s homepage and the homepage
Sensitivity to gender issues and social exclusion mechanisms in the conception and realization of the project.
Barrier-free access to the respective project should already be considered in the concept.
Please send any questions to Petra Poelzl and Cornelia Reinisch-Hofmann at They will be monitoring the selected projects regarding issues of curatorial content as well as production.
This directive applies only to funding procedures in the context of the action “Art in Public Space”.
On behalf of the state of Tyrol, the artists’ association Tiroler Künstler:innenschaft coordinates the selection process and provides information on all further inquiries.
Tiroler Künstler:innenschaft
Rennweg 8a
6020 Innsbruck
+43 512 581133
Land Tirol
Abteilung Kultur
Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1
6020 Innsbruck