Matadero’s Centre for Artists in Residence and LOOP, through an agreement with Fabra i Coats: Fábrica de Creación y Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica, are promoting a call for a curatorial residency that aims to provide a curator from any country of origin with a work space, funding, institutional support and international visibility. Given that the purpose of the residency is to get to know the artistic contexts of Madrid and Barcelona, applications from curators who live in either city will not be accepted.
The residency is split into two periods: an initial stage during the month of May 2023 in Barcelona accompanied and managed by LOOP in collaboration with Fabra i Coats: Fábrica de Creación y Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica, and a second stage during the month of June 2023 in Madrid, managed by the Matadero Centre for Artists in Residence. As a result of the residency, the curator will schedule two sessions during the first quarter of 2024, exact dates to be confirmed, as part of the Video Tuesdays programme at the Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica.
For the development of their artistic residency, the beneficiaries will receive:
- Travel from their place of residence to Barcelona.
- Travel from Barcelona to Madrid for the second part of the residency.
- Return trip from Madrid to the beneficiary’s usual place of residence.
Accommodation in Barcelona during May and accommodation in Madrid during June.
€3000 (subject to applicable taxes and/or withholdings) as a residency allowance.