Grants Overview Teiger Foundation provides grants for curator-led initiatives in contemporary visual art in the US. The focus is on various forms of exhibitions and projects, including:
- Group and single-artist exhibitions
- Community-engaged art projects
- Digital and live performance in visual arts
- Innovative curatorial approaches
Supporting Curatorial Development The foundation encourages curators’ growth by working with organizations of all sizes. Emphasis is on innovation, collaboration, resource sharing, and new methods of working with artists and communities. Both new and existing projects are eligible for support. There is no preference for specific themes or project types.
Selection Process A rotating jury of peers and Teiger staff, including past grantees, selects the projects. This diverse group consists of curators, artists, and art professionals with varied expertise and affiliations.
Grant Offerings
- Up to $150,000 for single projects
- Up to $150,000 over three years for programming in smaller organizations
- Up to $75,000 for hosting external exhibitions
- Up to $50,000 for curatorial research and development
Eligibility and Restrictions Eligible applicants are 501(c)(3) institutions in the US and its territories. The foundation does not fund:
- Projects not affiliated with a 501(c)(3) institution
- Projects by individual artists or endowments
- Capital campaigns unrelated to contemporary art
Important Dates for 2024 Call for Proposals
- October 13, 2023: Guidelines posted
- January 2, 2024: Application portal opens
- February 14, 2024: Application deadline
- July 2024: Notification of applicants
Projects must start between December 1, 2024, and August 1, 2026.