What is the IFCD?
- Overview: The IFCD funds arts and culture entities, including government institutions and NGOs in the Global South. Its goal is to develop robust cultural and creative industries (CCIs).
- Investment Focus: The fund supports innovative projects globally in cinema, performing arts, visual arts, media arts, design, music, and publishing. The aim is to provide people with opportunities to enhance their skills and networks, and to develop inclusive, evidence-based policies.
Funded Projects
- Global Impact: Since its 2010 launch, IFCD has invested over US$ 10 million in 140 projects across 69 countries.
- Achievements: These investments have helped to:
- Develop and implement cultural policies creating social and economic benefits.
- Build skills among cultural entrepreneurs and establish new business models in the cultural industry.
- Create new income opportunities for marginalized groups such as women, youth, and indigenous people.
- Open new markets for creatives and increase access to diverse cultural expressions.
- Empower people to influence their societies’ narratives, promoting social inclusion and peace.
Apply for Funding
- Funding Opportunity: IFCD funds projects with grants up to US$ 100,000, for implementation over a 12–24-month period. Projects are evaluated based on relevance, feasibility, financial management capacity, and expected results.
- Application Period: The fifteenth call for applications will be open from April 15 to June 14, 2024.