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  Fläming, Germany
Fellowships 34 days left


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Schloss Wiepersdorf Fellowships 2026 – Individual and Collaborative

Location: Schloss Wiepersdorf, State of Brandenburg, Fläming, Germany
Application Deadline: 15 April 2025, 23:59 (CEST)

The Cultural Foundation Schloss Wiepersdorf invites artists and writers from Germany and abroad to apply for a three-month residency fellowship in 2026. These fellowships, awarded in accordance with the State Budget Ordinance (LHO) and relevant administrative regulations, support projects that explore historical, contemporary, and future transformations in heritage. Applications are welcome in both individual and collaborative categories.

Eligibility & Focus Areas

  • Eligible Applicants:

    • Artists and writers working in literature (including poetry, prose, drama, essays, screenplays, criticism, translation), academic writing and research in humanities and social sciences (with themes of Romanticism or the history of East and West Germany), fine arts (painting, graphic arts, sculpture, media arts, photography), and composition (sound design, installation, performance, conducting).
    • Applicants must have completed an artistic or academic course of study, be working on a doctorate, or have distinguished themselves through long-standing professional work or publications.
    • Proficiency in German or English is required; basic German skills are helpful.
    • Individuals who have received a Schloss Wiepersdorf fellowship within the past two years are not eligible.
  • Project Focus:

    • Addressing “Heritage Loss” through proposals that explore the dismantling, destruction, or letting go of heritage.
    • Proposals should engage with one or more guiding themes:
      • Decentring the West
      • Decentring the Human
      • Transforming Value
    • Projects may involve original empirical/archival study or creative work.

Fellowship Details

  • Duration & Periods:
    • Fellowships are granted for three months and may be scheduled for March–May, June–August, or September–November 2026. Applicants in Science may choose a shorter period.
  • Financial Support:
    • Room and board at Schloss Wiepersdorf.
    • A monthly cash stipend of €1200.
    • A one-time material expense grant of €480 (adjusted by €160 per month if the residency is shortened).
    • A studio is available for Fellows in Fine Arts, subject to capacity.
    • Visa costs will be covered for fellows from countries requiring a visa for Germany.
  • Commitment:
    • Fellows are expected to spend the majority of the residency period at Schloss Wiepersdorf.
    • Participation in events (colloquia, workshops, annual lecture series, conferences) and contribution to dissemination platforms is encouraged.

Application Requirements

  • Submission Materials:
    • Cover Letter: State your proposed start date, fellowship duration, project title, and brief motivation for applying.
    • Project Proposal: Up to 2 A4 pages (font size no smaller than Times New Roman 11), with an annex of up to 6 pages of images (if relevant). Include:
      • Title and abstract (150 words)
      • Summary of proposed work, relating it to “Heritage Loss” and one or more guiding themes
      • Timetable
      • Resource needs
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV): Include educational history (with details on your PhD, if applicable), funding sources, academic or practice-related activities, fellowships, prizes, and a complete list of publications (with translations for non-English titles).
    • Additional Materials: Either two articles/chapters (published or unpublished, maximum 20,000 words total) or, for artists, a portfolio of artworks, films, or exhibitions, clearly detailing your role and exhibition history.
  • Application Method:
    • Submit your application via the provided online application form. Late submissions will not be considered.

Selection Process

  • Fellowships will be awarded by an independent jury of experts in consultation with the advisory board.
  • Emphasis is placed on the originality and quality of the proposal, its relevance to the call’s themes, and the strength of the applicant’s CV. Considerations of diversity, geographical spread, and disciplinary mix will also be made.
  • Applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application.