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Parallel Open Call 2018 – New Curators


Parallel Open Call 2018 – New Curators

About Parallel Open Call 2018 – New Curators

This call aim is to select 8 new curators working with photography/new media/visual media that will be participating in the PARALLEL Platform 2nd Cycle, which occurs between June 2018 and September 2019. If selected, you’ll be taking part in one of the most innovative creative processes going from scratch to the exhibition, alongside with 37 other artists and curators.

The jurors are looking for new curators who fit in the following definition:

Be in the early stage of her/his career;
Show significant artistic potential;
Be defined by artistic practice engaged with contemporary discourse;
Have curated no more than 2/3 exhibitions in a festival/museum;
Lack international exposure.

The call is open internationally to new curators working with photography/new media/visual arts. Selection will be made paying attention to gender balance and diversity.
There’s no specific theme.

PARALLEL’s working language is English, therefore all applicants must speak, understand and read English.

Selected curators will:

– Participate in the PARALLEL Artistic Guidance to develop a new curatorial project with the new work produced by the 2nd cycle artists and to be exhibited at one of the PARALLEL Members locations, with the support of a high profile tutor and in partnership with one of the PARALLEL members;
– Present themselves in the PARALLEL Intersection Zagreb (HR), September 2018. (Travel to and from – up to 250€, accommodation and subsistence costs in Zagreb supported by the Platform);
– 10-day internship at the PARALLEL Members location with which the curator is working with (Travel to and from – up to 250€, accommodation and subsistence costs in to be confirmed location supported by the Platform);
– Consolidate their new curatorial project with the new work produced by the artists at PARALLEL Curatorship Derby (UK), at FORMAT Festival, March 2019. (Travel to and from – up to 250€, accommodation and subsistence costs in Derby supported by the Platform;
– Present their exhibition at the PARALLEL Member location with which the curator is working with during the Exhibition Platform;
– Work directly with the graphic coordinator in their exhibition catalogue;
– Have their exhibition / curatorial project presented again in PARALLEL Review Lisboa, in what will be the first moment the new curators’ exhibitions are presented altogether and where the PARALLEL Award will be given to the most compelling exhibition. (Travel to and from – up to 250€, accommodation and subsistence costs supported by the Platform);
Have their curatorial project published in the Yearly Catalogue PARALLEL Atlas;
Have their curatorial project promoted internationally under PARALLEL Platform activities framework.

Submission Requirements

– Portfolio with previous work and statement (PDF, max. 10 mb )
– CV (PDF, max. 1 A4 page)
– Cover letter stating why being selected to PARALLEL will benefit your professional path, what are your professional ambitions, what are your thoughts on what to do throughout your participation, what is the exhibition that in your personal view is yet to be made? (PDF, max. 1 A4 page)
– Bank transfer confirmation of the entrance fee (20€).
– All texts must be in English

Please send all of this to the following email address: – via Wetransfer
until May 4th 23:59 GMT

Entrance Fee: 20€

Application details

About Parallel Platform

PARALLEL is a platform that brings together 18 creative European organisations committed to promoting cross-cultural exchanges and mentorships, in order to set new standards in contemporary photography. Members include museums, galleries, festivals, art schools and publishers – 18 of the most vibrant European cultural hubs, from 16 countries, that will participate in selecting and hosting new artists and curators, organising exhibitions and promoting artistic networking. The large and diverse nature of the network ensures a wide geographical spread and a fertile ground for fostering new dialogues, sparking ideas and helping to boost creativity. PARALLEL intends to remove artificial boundaries between artists and curators to create grounds for promoting a horizontal way of working and new forms of artistic cooperation through a process that instigates encounters to promote synergies and cross-fertilisation. The Platform work process is implemented in two-phases: Creative Guidance – selection, tutoring, peer learning and curatorship. Exhibition Platform – a diverse exhibition network engaging exhibitors, universities and art schools. PARALLEL Platform’s 1st Cycle took place between November 2017 and September 2018. PARALLEL is designed and led by and is supported by the Creative Europe Programme (2017 – 2021).

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