Members’ Program: Doris Friedl on relationship building in the art world

Dear Call for Curators Members,

Join us for our next Members’ Program on Thursday, May 13 at 6.30pm Berlin time for the first workshop of a series developed in collaboration with Node Center.

The workshop, led by Node Center Instructor Doris Friedl, will focus on how to nurture meaningful relationships in the art world through successful networking strategies, effective communication skills, and the knowledgeable use of contact databases and technical tools.

Call for Curators Members’ Program:
Node Center Workshop: Doris Friedl on relationship building in the art world
Thursday, May 13
6.30pm Berlin time

Founded in 2009, Node Center is the first e-learning program for curators and art professionals. Through real-time interaction with skilled lecturers, Node provides practical knowledge that is often not available in the art academy. The courses are designed to equip the learner with skills for use in the real world as well as in professional settings.

Doris Friedl is an Austrian-born business operations professional, who specializes in the creative industry, and has worked and lived in Brussels, Barcelona and, since 2006, Berlin. She has over twenty years’ experience in both creative and intercultural environments. Through a range of roles in creative companies, including as Gallery and Senior Operations Manager at Esther Schipper, Doris has extensive strategic, organizational and administrative experience. Additionally, as a certified systemic coach, she accompanies artists and creatives through personal and professional changes, helping them to identify their goals, overcome blocks and adopt new perspectives.


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