- Organisation: Museums Association
- Fee: Maximum budget £16,000
- Location: Remote working
- Closing date: 11.09.2023
Job description
This is an intensive participatory experience for five museums, where the appointed expert advisor/facilitator will develop a bespoke programme of online participatory workshops to museum managers and leaders to support the development of a cohort of anti-racist museums.
The appointed individual will work with a committed group of senior museum professionals from each respective institution, and will use techniques such as coaching, facilitation and peer learning to support their organisation to embed the necessary changes for their institution to become anti-racist.
We imagine this will be a participatory learning programme delivered over six workshops but will co-develop the format and structure with the person(s) appointed. This scheme is a pilot and will be part of a wider programme of activities that seek to tackle institutional racism in the sector.
All information is available to download in the tender document.
This contract has a maximum budget of £16,000 including all applicable VAT and expenses.
Where VAT is applicable and included it should be indicated and separately identified.
Project timetable
The deadline for submission of tenders is 11 September 2023. Tender interviews will take place the week commencing 25 September 2023. The project should be delivered with all workshops complete by September 2024.
- October to December 2023: Co-design with anti-racism working group and MA staff
- December 2023 to February 2024: Recruitment of participating museum cohort
- March to September 2024: Workshop delivery
- September to December 2024: Evaluation
How to apply
Please submit your proposal, maximum of 10 pages, outlining your experience in this area of practice, examples of similar delivery, and how you will address the requirements of the brief, and any further queries to Joshua Robertson via joshua@museumsassociation.org.
All information provided by the MA must be treated as confidential.
The final award of the contract is subject to both parties agreeing to the details of all elements regarding service delivery, which will be detailed within any order issued by the MA.
Evaluation criteria
We will evaluate your tender against the following criteria:
- Value for money: 30%
- Strength of proposal: 30%
- Relevant experience and skills: 40%