Research and experimentation in art and design education
What do the visceral quality of embodiment and material practices in artistic research and education mean in the current times of social distancing and digital conferencing tools? How will education respond to the 1,5-meter society? How do we build a participatory, communal platform? How do we make sure not to return to the “new normal”? How do we relate to distance, nearness, critical (self)care, embodiment, slowness, communality, transformation, digital hybridity, listening, intersectionality and performativity as part of education and experimental pedagogy? How do we develop an art-driven (critical) pedagogy? How do we look at art mediation and art education from the perspective of sustainability, digitalization and diversity?
The Master of Education in Arts is two-year part-time research master. The relation between practice and theory is a central feature of the program: students design and experiment with pedagogical models and tactics, as much as critically research them. The program has an interdisciplinary focus, allows for experimentation, is taught in English and accepts students from the Netherlands and abroad (within the EU).
Focusing on the interstices of research, teaching, art/design practices and cultural critique, the course welcomes practitioners in the field of vocational, secondary and higher art/design education, museum education, as well as artists and designers with an interest in participatory or collective practices, challenging the boundaries between artistic research, socially engaged practices and experimental pedagogy. We admit practitioners working in institutional environments (schools, academies, museums), as well as outside in more public, informal settings (workshops, labs, et cetera). We regard collaborations, cross-pollinations and exchanges to be of essential value to the future of education. For an overview of our programme, staff and guest teachers please visit our website.
We educate, we support, we challenge, we reflect critically, we re-invent
Master of Education in Arts
Two years, part-time, 60 ECTS
We’ll review applications on a rolling basis therefore early submissions are encouraged.
Information meetings
We organize frequent online open information meetings to inform interested participants about the course. The meetings include a presentation about the program and an extensive Q & A. We warmly welcome everybody interested in the program to participate. The final two meetings are scheduled in for Friday, April 9 (12–1pm) and Friday, April 23 (9–10am). Please visit our website to subscribe.
Piet Zwart Institute / Willem de Kooning Academy
The Piet Zwart Institute houses the international Master programmes of the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Students and tutors come from around the globe, bringing a variety of languages, perspectives, cultural influences and international connections to an intimate learning environment. Aware of this embeddedness and wider environment, the Piet Zwart Institute is attentive to decentering endeavors, continuously shifting its axes to non-Eurocentricity.
General information and contact
Please contact us with any questions you might have: