Submission Period
- Opens: Thursday, April 26th
- Closes: Thursday, June 13th, 2024, at 11:59 PM EST
Opportunity Overview
Emerging independent curators are invited to submit exhibition proposals. An artist fee is available for both curators and artists, along with a production budget for guest-curated exhibitions.
- Proposals may include up to two artists. The curator cannot be one of the exhibiting artists.
- Curators must contact potential artists before submitting proposals to confirm their interest.
- Artists and curators who have previously exhibited with Baxter St at CCNY must wait two full years before exhibiting again or submitting another proposal.
- Curators must be located within the tri-state area (New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut) at the time of the exhibition.
Baxter St at CCNY aims to exhibit work from emerging and under-represented lens-based artists. Special emphasis is on:
- Projects by emerging curators and artist-curators.
- Work contributing to contemporary art dialogue within lens-based arts or offering new perspectives on historical work.
- Projects pushing curatorial practice in innovative directions.
- Artists not represented by New York galleries.
Note: Due to limited gallery space, proposals that include the curator’s own work are discouraged.
Submission Format Requirements
Submit materials through Submittable.
- Overview page with:
- Curator’s name, email, and website
- Artists’ names, locations, emails, and websites
- One-paragraph concept summary
- One-page exhibition concept statement (max 300 words)
- Up to 8 images total (jpegs, 800 pixels on the long side)
- Up to 2 videos (max 3 minutes each)
- Image checklist (number, artist name, title, year, medium, dimensions)
- Resumes and bios for curators and artists