Autograph: Call for Online Event Proposals
Three proposals will be selected to take place between 2020 and early 2021. Successful applicants will receive a £500 budget, £250 curatorial fee, support in developing their event, and access to Autograph’s resources.
This is our third annual open call for emerging cultural producers who are working on a new or early stage project. We invite artists, producers, writers, performers, musicians, curators and collectives to propose an event that relates to Autograph’s mission to explore issues around identity, representation, human rights and social justice.
This might include – but certainly isn’t limited to – spoken word and performance, in-conversation and Q&A events, or film screenings.
Deadline to apply: 10am on Wednesday 1 July 2020.
This year we are inviting proposals for online events only.
Autograph will commit a budget of up to £500 to cover AV, access related costs, and contributor fees. Your proposed event or activity therefore needs to be of a suitable scale to fit this budget. Autograph can also support successful applicants with advice on proposals to secure additional resources in cash or kind from elsewhere.
You/the collective will also receive a single £250 curatorial fee.
Deadline for proposals: 10am on Wednesday 1 July 2020.
A final decision will be made by the end of July, only successful applicants will be contacted.
Meetings with successful applicants will take place in July / August 2020