“Research and rewritings for the history of contemporary art”. Call for Scholarship 2023
The third 2023 edition of the “Ricerche e riscritture per la storia dell’arte contemporanea” (Research and rewriting for the history of contemporary art) study grant organised by the Fondazione Baruchello is entitled La casa e l’abitare. Transformazioni artistiche e culturali negli ultimi trenta anni (Artistic and cultural transformations in the last thirty years).
In 1979, Gianfranco Baruchello printed the book L’Altra casa (The Other House) for Éditions Galilée in Paris, a publication constructed by assembling a series of clippings, notes and above all photocopies of houses, rooms, bathrooms, doors and carpets. The theme of living is closely linked to that of memory, in a reflection that moves between internal space, of memory and dreams, and external space, interweaving aspects of history, politics and lived time. The theme already occupied the artist in previous years, in which reflection took the form of projects on nomadic houses, small towers with found materials, films or audio recordings on house occupation movements.
The topic chosen for the current edition of the Fellowship takes its cue from this multifaceted research belonging to the artist and turns its attention to the last thirty years in order to interrogate emerging issues and themes concerning dwelling, displacement, uprooting due to wars, diaspora, virtual realities, as well as the utopias and imaginaries that derive from them.
The Fellowship invites us to look at works and subjects belonging to contemporary artistic research, dating back to the last thirty years, with a view to investigating what reflections, confirmations, transformations, innovations and technical, cultural and linguistic perspectives are present around the theme of living. In order to be able to deal with this subject, the importance of the work and its construction is central, of the projects realised, also open to participation and intended for public space, considered as points of arrival and meeting points of different research perspectives on the cultural, political, social context.
The Call for Submissions is intended for students who have already graduated, postgraduates or PhD students. The scholarship will be awarded to a young scholar (maximum 35 years) whose research and analytical skills will be assessed by a Commission formed by:
– Maria Alicata, Art Historian;
– Giorgio Bacci, Professor of Contemporary Art History at the University of Florence;
– Francesco Careri, Co-founder of Stalker Professor of Architectural Design at RomaTre University;
– Anna Mazzanti, Professor of Contemporary Art History at the Polytechnic University of Milan;
– Carla Subrizi, Professor of Contemporary Art History at the Sapienza University in Rome and President of Fondazione Baruchello.
Applications must be received by 2nd November using the attached form (download here) to be sent to the following email address: fondazionebaruchello@pec.it
It is required to write an abstract (300 words) that illustrates the project and, in case of winning the fellowship, an essay of maximum 6000 words.
The results of the selection will be announced by 16th November.
Research should be conducted by 31st January.
Download here Call for submissions.