Position: Cultural Producer; Number of vacancies: 01
Benefits: Medical Assistance, Dental Assistance, Meal Valley, Transport Valley and Life Insurance.
Gross Salary: R $ 4,398.52
Hiring Scheme: CLT ( Effective ), 40h weekly, with slack per scale and workload
8:00 am daily, including weekends and holidays.
Workplace: São Paulo in person.
Job description:
Responsible for producing events and cultural programming of the MDS, working with the exhibition construction processes at the Museum of Sexual Diversity, from planning to closing the event. Produce public events, identify needs and propose solutions, and monitor the performance of the scheduled activities.
Related actions:
● Performs and tracks all production of MDS cultural programming and identifies
needs, proposing solutions;
● Participates in meetings, contributing with actions and improvements in the processes and procedures of
● Accompanies the transport, assembly and disassembly of exhibitions, events, works and
programming, offering all the support necessary for its realization;
● Assists in controlling and organizing the agenda and schedules, including updating
activities carried out;
● Plan and organize the hosting and feeding process for artists, curators and guests;
accompanying your entire stay and assisting in case of emergencies and needs of
● Performs the entire interface with the area of expography and negotiation with artists, owners of
commissioned works and partner institutions;
● Monitors and maintains the other areas about the progress of MDS productions;
● Identifies needs and assists in the process of quotation, budget and contracting of
suppliers, according to MDS regulations;
● Performs photographic records related to programming, for reports proving
production and programming goals;
● Conducts technical visits and assists in guiding the internal rules of the MDS;
● Assists in controlling the management contract goals plan;
● Maintains the mailing update with information from MDS suppliers;
● Meets the other areas of the MDS and any other assignments compatible with the position and
social objectives of the Museum;
- Education: Complete Higher Education in Cultural Production, Human Sciences or related areas.
- Skills and Knowledge: Production knowledge in Museums or cultural equipment.
- Good oral and written communication.
- Organized
- Office Package Domain
- Experience of working in the world of arts and culture.
- Event logistics.
- Desirable English and Spanish and affinity and interest with the theme LGBTQIAP +
Interested candidates must fill out the form through the link:
https://forms.gle/Zt1dF9dhSUhaZp7z5 until February 28, 2023.
From the evaluation of the responses of the form and analysis of the curriculum, the candidate will be selected for the second stage, interview.
For any questions get in touch via email: rh.mds@institutoodeon.org.br
The Odeon Institute will prioritize the application of LGBTQIAP + people, indigenous and black.