Curating Contemporary Art and Design: Theory and Practice Summer Course

Discover contemporary art and design curatorial thinking and practice, with sector leading curators, researchers and writers, live online with a multi-disciplinary staff team of the MA Curating Contemporary Art at the RCA.

Dates: 10 – 21 July 2023

Early bird discount until 30 April 2023

The live online course provides an intensive introduction to contemporary curatorial thinking and practice in art and design. It offers critical perspectives from the viewpoint of experts who curate, research and write in the cultural sector, with opportunities for participants to engage with cutting edge curatorial approaches emerging within and beyond London.

The course emphasises critical thinking around curatorial theory and practice in a contemporary context. Through in-depth discussions with pioneering curators, participants are introduced to collections and displays of leading galleries and museums, nationally and internationally. In addition, the sessions consider wider forms of practice such as commissioning, programming, online curating, curatorial writing and publishing.

Led by the School of Arts & Humanities, the course team is composed of curators, critics, researchers, historians and writers. The course combines analytical debate with practical, hands-on activities taught from the world’s leading art and design university and delivered online. As a forum for learning in a collaborative, highly dynamic atmosphere, the course also provides the opportunity to gain one-to-one support and advice from our faculty of experts and visiting speakers.

The Curating Contemporary Art and Design course has been running successfully since 2016. As well as experts from the Royal College of Art, previous years have included sessions with renowned curators and researchers from Tate Britain, the Victoria and Albert Museum, Serpentine, Design Museum, Somerset House, the Museum of Modern Art and influential contemporary galleries and commissioners such as Art on the Underground, Eastside Projects, Open School East, Cubitt Gallery and UP Projects.

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