Translation from Spanish:
The Reina Sofía Museum calls for the appointment, through a free designation procedure, of the position of Director of Education Center
- Directing the areas of Studies, Paracademia, Independent Study Program, Film and New Media, Tentacular Museum, and Research.
- Connectivity, development, and conception of the museum’s discursive and thought lines. Through the public dissemination of thought, it will constitute a space for exchange with the museum’s public communities and will turn the “Studies” space into the breeding ground for all future programs.
- General coordination of the different public programs.
- Coordination of the Reina Sofía Museum Campus, in relation to Universities and their Master’s and Postgraduate programs.
- Conception and direction of different institutes and study programs (decolonial, critical art history, cultural studies, art of uncertain times).
- Designing a thought zone based on the annual invitation to a theorist for a residency that contaminates all programs.
- Endorsement of the three basic pillars of the museum’s project that permeate all discursive production of the institution: intersectional criticism (gender, ethnicity, and class), the development of artistic research, and the guarantee of broad social access.
- Conversion of the Museum into a shared institutional laboratory: ideation of tools to distribute the knowledge of the Reina Sofía Museum with other institutions (public, private, or independent spaces) from the archive of the common, both in research and artistic production, but also in administrative work forms.
- Conception, development, and monitoring of the Independent Study Program (now called Conjunctive Tissues).
- Development and supervision of research residencies and aids to these programs.
- Contribution to the expansion and publicity of academic research on modern and contemporary Spanish art.
- Coordination of the “Tentacular Museum.” Encouragement of new formal and informal networks, contributing to the visibility of those already existing in the Museum.
- Designing formats for international thought exchange, together with other museum areas, in unprecedented ways (e.g., Team, swaps).
- Any other functions assigned by the Director.
REQUIREMENTS: To be admitted to the process, applicants must possess, on the day of the application deadline and maintain until the moment of formalization of the employment contract, the following requirements:
- Spanish nationality, of any of the Member States of the European Union, or of any State to which, under the International Treaties concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain, the free movement of workers applies. Also, those of any nationality can participate, the spouse of a Spanish person, of a national of any other Member State of the European Union when provided for by the corresponding Treaty, or of a national of a State to which, under the International Treaties concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain, the free movement of workers applies, provided they are not legally separated. Also, those who, not being included in the previous point, are in Spain legally, holding a document enabling them to reside and access the labor market without limitations. Consequently, those in a situation of temporary residence, those in a situation of permanent residence, as well as those in a situation of authorization to reside and work, may participate.
- Not having been separated by disciplinary proceedings from service in any of the Public Administrations or constitutional or statutory bodies of the Autonomous Communities, nor being in absolute or special disqualification for public employment or office by judicial decision.
- Being 18 years old or older and not exceeding the maximum retirement age.
- Official higher university degree (Ph.D., master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, or equivalent).
WILL BE VALUED: The following merits will be considered and, if applicable, evaluated:
- Academic training in Art History, Fine Arts, Philosophy and Art Theory, other branches of the Humanities, or disciplines related to the museum’s mission.
- Having a minimum of eight years of demonstrable professional experience in areas related to academia or university education, cultural institutions, social sciences and humanities, fine arts, or art history (special consideration will be given to a career that includes holding positions of high responsibility dedicated to teaching and research).
- Experience in the conception and production of seminars, colloquiums, and research projects.
- Experience in the management of academic programs.
- Experience in promoting and providing public access to academic knowledge.
- Experience in managing and developing cooperation and scientific and technical collaboration agreements with other museums and cultural institutions, universities, and research centers.
- Public communication skills to perform representation tasks for the institution when required will be valued.
- Publications on museography and contemporary art, understood in a broad sense, will be taken into account.
- A good network of international contacts in the academic and paracademic fields will be valued.
- Knowledge of languages will be valued, with mastery of both spoken and written Spanish and English being essential.
- Teamwork ability is necessary.
SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS AND DOCUMENTATION: The application must be completed and submitted using the form (Annex I) accessible electronically through the electronic headquarters of the Reina Sofía National Museum Center for Art at the address, in accordance with the provisions of Law 39/2015, of October 1. The application must be accompanied by:
- An updated curriculum vitae detailing academic titles, positions held, training activities carried out, and any other information aimed at proving compliance with the requirements and professional competencies.
- A brief letter of motivation justifying in writing the suitability of the candidate for the position applied for, in relation to the requirements for the position.
- A self-assessment questionnaire aimed at assessing management competencies (Annex II).
- A sworn declaration (Annex III) of not having been separated by disciplinary proceedings from service in any of the Public Administrations or constitutional or statutory bodies of the Autonomous Communities, nor being in absolute or special disqualification for public employment or office by resolution.
Once the application is completed, it must be signed by the interested party using any of the electronic signature systems and sent through the established telematic procedure, thus being submitted for all purposes. Applications completed by this means that do not complete the established submission process will not be considered, obtaining the application receipt that must be retained by the applicant to prove, if necessary, the submission of their application within the established deadline and form.
Only in cases of technical or computer incidents, duly justified, applications may be submitted in the registries, post offices, consular offices of Spain, or in any of the forms provided for in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1. In this case, the manual instance model provided in Annex I will be completed and signed.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Until June 11, 2024.
PROCESS DEVELOPMENT: The evaluation of assessable professional competencies will be carried out by the Director of the MNCARS, with the importance given to each of the elements assessed in terms of suitability for the position being motivated.
The Director of the MNCARS will act advised by an evaluation committee, which includes at least two experts in the specific matters of the position or in the selection processes of public executives. The committee will be chaired by the Director