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INDUSTRA ART Gallery announces OPEN CALL for exhibition

INDUSTRA ART a contemporary gallery based in Brno, Czech Republic announces the open call for exhibition projects for 2023!

The gallery supports original projects by art school students, graduates and established artists, whose exhibition projects can cover the entire space of the industrial gallery, located in the former compressor station of a re-developped arms factory.  We especially appreciate site-specific projects that bring new curatorial solutions and that develop current themes in the field of contemporary art.

The call is especially addressed to the emerging generation of Czech and foreign artists, art groups and curators. The application includes a completed “Application form” with a list of attachments downloadable at:

Binding applications containing all attachments should be sent electronically in PDF format, subject OPEN CALL, to the email address no later than 18th. August 2022!

INDUSTRA ART Gallery will provide the selected exhibition projects with: gallery facilities, promotion and production of the exhibition, financial coverage for the realization of the exhibition within the framework of the awarded grants.

All selected projects will be granted a fee of CZK 10.000, prior taxes. Depending on a project and upon the organiser’s consideration, some projects may be granted more, up to CZK 25.000

Due to the large number of applications, we do not send Open Call results by email. The results of the Open Call will be published on the FB profile of INDUSTRA ART, INDUSTRA and on the website by the end of September at the latest!

We look forward to working with you!
