- Event Name: International Symposium on Young Heritage (1975-2000)
- Location: Brussels, Royal Library
- Date: February 6-7, 2024
- Submission Deadline: December 15, 2023
Event Description
The International Symposium on Young Heritage (1975-2000) invites you to explore the valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities related to the preservation of built heritage from 1975-2000. This event aims to bridge the gap between policy, research, and practice while gathering knowledge from across Western Europe. By delving into this contemporary architectural heritage, the symposium offers a comprehensive understanding of the preservation challenges and opportunities it presents.
Keynote Speakers
- Kees Somer [Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, the Netherlands]
- Harry Lelièvre [urban.brussels]
- Eric Monin [Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille, France]
- Andreas Putz [Technische Universität München, Germany]
Thematic Sessions
The event comprises four thematic sessions:
- Value assessment
- Policy instruments
- Building materials
- Restoration and conservation
For more information on these sessions, please visit this link.
Call for Participation
Prospective participants are encouraged to contribute to the symposium by delivering a short presentation (10 to 15 minutes) in one of the four thematic sessions. To submit an abstract, please send the following to Marylise.Parein@vub.be before December 15:
- Title of your presentation
- Name(s) of the author(s) + affiliation(s)
- 300-word abstract
- 1 image (copyright-free, 300 dpi, jpg or tiff format)
- The session you wish to contribute to
- 4 keywords related to your presentation
You will receive notification of the acceptance of your abstract by January 8, 2024. The contributions will be published in a digital book of abstracts. Participation is free of charge, but attendees are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.
Preliminary Programme
- February 6, 2024, 1 pm – 5:30 pm: Welcome, Session 1: Value Assessment, Session 2: Policy Instruments, Closing Drink
- February 7, 2024, 9 am – 5 pm: Introduction, Session 3: Building Materials, Session 4: Restoration and Conservation, Lunch, Guided Visit (EN/FR) to La maison médicale (UCL), Brussels
Organizing Committee
- Marylise Parein [VUB]
- Stephanie Van de Voorde [VUB]
- Ine Wouters [VUB]
- Tom Verhofstadt [urban.brussels]
- Manja Van Haelen [urban.brussels]
- Stéphane Demeter [urban.brussels]
The symposium is part of Marylise Parein’s PhD research, funded by Innoviris.