The Cleveland Museum of Art is deeply committed to equity and inclusion at every level. We firmly believe that if we are to be a global leader among museums, but also remain relevant to our community, it is essential that we seek and offer new perspectives on our multifaceted collection. The CMA is pleased to offer undergraduate Director’s Fellowships specifically designed for students attending historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to explore museum careers.
This intern assists the Associate Curator of Special Projects in the Department of Academic Affairs to develop a 2022 exhibition and publication featuring artists of the Black diaspora. The internship will primarily involve artist-specific research using archival and secondary resources. Over the course of the internship, the intern will learn about curatorial work, including organization of an exhibition, publication, and related programming. They will also gain experience in object-based research, technical knowledge of various artistic media, basic information about conservation issues, and how to use Athena, the collections database. They will spend most of their time conducting independent research using the CMA library or updating collection information. These tasks will be punctuated by one-on-one meetings with the curator, other publication and exhibition- related meetings, as well as by looking at artworks with the curator and conservators. The ideal candidate for this position is a student with proven research and writing experience in art history. However, advanced undergraduate humanities majors will also be considered.
Eligibility and application instructions, read carefully:
Students must be currently enrolled and in good standing in an HBCU to be considered. Fellowship recipients will receive a stipend of $5,000 for a 280-hour internship (June 1 – July 20, 2021) + $1,500 travel/ accommodation allowance. This will be a hybrid (remote + onsite work) position.
- Cover Letter- describe why you are interested in the position and what makes you a good candidate;
- A CV that includes a list of relevant coursework;
- A writing sample (750 works or less); and
- Two letters of recommendation. Letters should be addressed to Key Jo Lee, Director of Academic Affairs and Associate Curator of Special Projects and emailed to