Deadline: October 19, 2012 at 7PM.
MARCO, Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo and 49 Nord 6 Est – FRAC Lorraine, Metz (Fonds régional d’art contemporain de Lorraine) organize the MARCO/Frac Lorraine Award for Young Exhibition Curators. This award gives participants the opprtunity to submit a topic of research and reflection which is of personal interest, and the possibility to bring it to fruition in the exhibition venues at MARCO (first-floor gallery) and at FRAC Lorraine.
The originality of the proposed thesis and the pertinence of the suggested references will be key in the selection of the award winner.
The winning project will result either in a single exhibition shown first at MARCO (Vigo, Spain) and then at FRAC Lorraine (Metz, France), or as a dual exhibition mounted simultaneously at both locations. The requisite theme of the exhibition is at the heart of the work. The final version of the winning project, as well as the list of selected works, will be developed and finalized in close collaboration with the directors of MARCO and of FRAC Lorraine in the course of two working residencies. The goal is to have the exhibition take into account the architectural specificities of each location and local contexts of each venue.
The proposal must be within the field of contemporary thought and may incorporate any creative forms. Works proposed by the exhibition projects may include those already in the Collection of FRAC Lorraine: http://collection.fraclorraine.org. At least two artists must be included in the proposal. The exhibition may be accompanied or constituted by a program of activities in order to open a new space of reflection regarding the treated topic.
The winning project will have a maximum budget of 25,000 € for each venue. The exhibition will open in September 2013: either first at MARCO (Vigo, Spain), followed by FRAC Lorraine (Metz, France), or in both locations simultaneously.
All curators born in 1972 and later are eligible to enter the competition. If the entry is a group project, one person will be chosen from that group to represent it and act as a mediator. Curators will not be allowed to participate as artists in the projects. No more than one project per entrant will be accepted. Entries must be previously unpublished and must provide for the participation of two or more artists.
Administrative details:
– Name, address, phone number, and email
– A short Curriculum Vitae
– A photocopy of an ID or passport
Art project (5 pp. max.)
– Title
– Detailed outline of the project (1 to 3 pp.)
– List of artists (including their nationality and date of birth) or of the proposed works
Maps of the MARCO first-floor and FRAC Lorraine exhibition rooms are available for download on the
respective websites of both institutions and available upon request at info@marcovigo.com and coordination@fraclorraine.org.
A budget with a maximum amount of 25,000 € (including costs of transport and all taxes) will be allocated to each of the two parts of the exhibition. This fiscal framework must be taken into account by the curator in designing the project.
The budget of each exhibition MUST provide for:
– The expenses incurred by the production of the works and artist’s fees
– The insurance and transport of works and materials
– Travel and/or hotel expenses of the participating artists
– The costs of installation or organization of the gallery
The budget WILL NOT provide for:
– The cost of designing and printing publicity or promotional material for the press
– Technical staff needed for the installation of the exhibition
– Audiovisual material
– Accommodation expenses for the curator of the winning project during his/her stay in Metz and in Vigo
Friday October 19, 2012 at 7PM.
Dossiers received after this date will not be accepted.
Entries must be submitted in PDF format to the following two email addresses: info@marcovigo.com and coordination@fraclorraine.org, with the subject: “Award for Young Curators.” Dossiers received at only one address will not be accepted. It is preferable that projects be written in English, although applications in Spanish, French, or Galician will be accepted. Submissions must be exclusive to FRAC and MARCO.
The jury will select the winning project and two finalists in November 2012. The jury’s decision is final. The jury may declare the award void should they consider this necessary. The criteria for evaluating the entries will be based on the quality and the originality of the research project.
The jury’s decision will be made public in November 2012, and all participants will be notified by email.
The award must be accepted in writing within 10 business days of notification. Once that period has elapsed, the award will pass on to the runner-up.
The curator of the winning project will sign a contract with the Fundación MARCO and FRAC Lorraine, agreeing to respect all the obligations inherent to the functions of curating an exhibition specified therein, and comprising, among others, the specific fullfilment of the exhibition concept, the selection and localization of the works, the design of the exhibition, the supervision of the relations between the artists and the loaners and of the production, participation in writing press material and, where appropriate, the selection of activities surrounding the exhibition and the editorial direction of a catalogue (writing at least one text).
The curator and the directors of MARCO and FRAC Lorraine will take the winning project as foundation so that the final projects exhibited in Vigo and Metz will be the result of this exchange. With that purpose in mind, the winning curator must do two working residencies, in Metz and in Vigo, prior to the installation of the exhibitions. The winning curator will be invited to reside in Metz for a minimum of one month between January and March 2013, and in Vigo for a minimum of two weeks between February and April 2013, on dates specified depending on his or her availability and in agreement with both institutions.
The curator of the winning project will receive the sum of 5,000 €, tax included, as an honorarium.
It will be paid in three installments: 40% at the moment of signing the exhibition contract, 30% after the exhibition’s opening at MARCO, and 30% after the exhibition’s opening at FRAC Lorraine.
The Fundación MARCO and FRAC Lorraine will reimburse the curator’s travel expenses, upon presentation of appropriate supporting documents, up to 2,000 €, including taxes. Accommodations in Vigo and in Metz will be covered directly by the respective institutions.
Entry into this competition implies the complete acceptance of its terms and conditions.
The organizers reserve the right to settle any situation unforeseen by these terms and conditions as they see fit.