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  Athens, Greece
Residencies 3 days left

Onassis AiR Οpen Call 2025–2026

Onassis AiR, the Artistic Research, Residency & Fellowship Program of the Onassis Foundation, announces its Open Call for 2025-26. 

Deadline: March 7, 2025, 12 pm (UTC+2)

Onassis AiR invites creative practitioners from any discipline, including artists, curators, artisans, performance artists, choreographers, fashion and costume designers, writers, dramaturgs, architects, filmmakers, sculptors, light and sound designers to apply for one of its residency strands in Athens, Greece, running from September 2025 to July 2026. 

After five successful years of operation, over 7000 applications in its Open Calls and the support of more than 200 Fellows, Onassis AiR has become a hub for cross-disciplinary thinking and exchange. 

For the 2025/26 season, Onassis AiR enhances its function as an instigator of creative experimentation and offers opportunities on four different strands.

The Onassis AiR Extended Research Residencies

A three-month program tailored for creators (individuals or collectives) looking for dedicated time and space to nurture, develop, or refine in-progress work. It provides support and peer-to-peer connections needed to move their projects forward.

The Onassis AiR Dramaturgy Fellowships

A three-month fellowship for performing arts professionals from Greece or based in Greece, who wish to develop a new theater, dance, and/or performing arts project that has not yet been presented. The program is open to directors, choreographers, dancers, dramaturgs, authors, playwrights, or practitioners working in the wider fields of theater and dance arts.

The Onassis AiR/ONX Fellowships

A two-month fellowship for projects that combine immersive narratives with Mixed Realities and performative elements and address the potential of computational and network technologies to foster resilient and sustainable practices. Proposals could include performances, digital works and games, kinetic installations, stagecraft experimentations.   

The Onassis AiR Technical Residencies

For the first time, Onassis AiR welcomes art professionals working in the technical areas of theater, dance, music, cinema, and digital productions for a three-month residency to further develop their skills in the expanded fields of Stage Management, Theater Production, Scenic / Lighting / Sound Design, as well as the technical development of Art & Advanced Technologies projects.

The total number of Residencies & Fellowships that will be awarded for 2025-26 is thirty-three.

All program participants are invited to contribute to the Οnassis AiR Community by offering something back in the form of a workshop, presentation, screening, skill-sharing session, or any other format of their choice.