Landscape analysis: art, science, and technology in the Arab region
Pro Helvetia Cairo seeks to recruit researchers to conduct a comprehensive landscape analysis of individuals, collectives and institutions in the Arab region, whose work lies at the intersection of art, science, and technology.
Responding to a noticeable trend within the artworld, which increasingly sees artists and curators engaging with science and technology in their work, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia has established a new focus area for the period 2021- 2024 titled “Art, Science and Technology”. Its aim is to create an enabling framework for projects at the interface of these three fields of activity on a local and international level by facilitating exchanges and cooperation between key players from Switzerland and the Arab region, and offering transversal support schemes to promote forward-looking projects.
Please check for more information about our program.
What is Art, Science and Technology?
Arts and sciences have previously been regarded as two separate spheres; their overlap often only enabled through the use of art as illustration for scientific knowledge. Yet their entanglement has become more prevalent because of their similar pre-occupation with questions relating to human beings’ connection with nature, ecology, and technological development. The arts and sciences are both dynamic fields, where the act of rethinking human connection with the world is made possible. Through questioning, articulating, deconstructing, and researching, the arts and sciences lend themselves as sites for paradigmatic challenges rather than truth affirmations.
Pro Helvetia seeks to locate individuals and entities within these fields whose work is concerned and involved with these questions through this landscape analysis.
The focus of the landscape analysis would be on three core groups within the region:
- Organizations and institutions either at the intersection of arts, science and technology or institutions rooted within the arts/culture or rooted within science but with an interest or reference to the interface of these three fields of activity,
- Individuals and key contacts,who are doing significant work around arts, science and technology, either as independent practitioners, or embedded in an organizational/institutional setting, and
- Funders, who are interested and involved with projects at the intersection of art, science and technology.
Scope of the Landscape Analysis
The research period is from 1 October to 20 December 2022. The geographic scope of the landscape analysis is the Arab region.
Outputs: Researchers are expected to submit a thorough narrative report in English describing the context (including, among others, trends, main topics of concern) in each country, as well as a database including comprehensive information about the relevant core groups in each country.
Who Can Apply?
- Researchers, artists and/or cultural practitioners with a strong knowledge of the region’s arts and culture scene.
- Applicants can apply as individuals or duos and can choose to focus on all of the region or specify a minimum of three countries.
- Applicants must have an excellent command of English and Arabic. French is a plus.
Anticipated timeline
- Deadline to submit complete applications: 14 September 2022– end of day.
- Meetings with shortlisted candidates, if needed: 4th week of September.
- Completing selection and contracting with one or more candidates: 4th week of September.
- Landscape analysis start date: 1 October 2022.
- Final documents to be submitted on 20 December 2022.
How to Apply?
To apply, send a complete application as an attachment to an email titled Landscape analysis – (your name) to, along with an updated CV(s) and samples of your work. Only complete applications submitted on time will be considered.
Complete applications include: your answers to the application questions listed below in a word document, timeline, budget.
Application Questions
- How would you define Art, Science and Technology? (maximum 200 words)
- Describe at least one project you have encountered which could be categorized under Art, Science and Technology. Who were the key players? What was its topic? (maximum 300 words)
- List the countries you intend to cover.
- Research plan and methodology.
- Budget: budget items can include travel expenses, zoom prescriptions, other resources you think may be necessary to conduct the research.
- Timeline: explaining the milestones to conduct the research including presentation and discussion of the general findings of the research, the submission of the first draft and final documents.