Located in a re-purposed Fire Station in Lower Buckingham Street, Dublin 1, FSAS has provided support for Ireland’s visual artists for 30 years. FSAS is one of the key resource organisations funded by the Arts Council of Ireland, located in a landmark Dublin City Council inner city building. The FSAS mission is to enable contemporary visual artists with recognised potential to sustain a practice of quality and integrity. FSAS does this through providing affordable residential and studio spaces, practical and evolving resources, professional support and development with a local, national and international remit. The dedicated, mutually supportive and flexible small team at FSAS aims to achieve excellence in what it provides and is constantly developing new and innovative way of delivering the organisation’s mission. Further information can be found on FSAS website: www.firestation.ie.
Purpose of role
This is a role that involves general administration, communications and some project management in dayto-day running of the Fire Station Artists’ Studios, reporting to the Director, in a dynamic and energetic environment. The Administrator / Communications Manager will join our small team that work with artists who live and who come to work in the historic building and report to the Director of FSAS.
Job Description
Strong administrative, communications and project management skills are required for this pivotal, multifacetted position which enables the core mission of supporting visual artists to be delivered.
To apply
Please send a CV along with a cover letter to Director, Fire Station Artists’ Studios, 9-12 Lower Buckingham Street, Dublin 1, or email to director@firestation.ie
Deadline for receipt of applications: Thursday 9 March 2023 5pm
Interviews: Thursday 23 March 2023