This is the call to access research grants in Argentine Museums, aimed at artists, researchers, researchers, curators and curators. It will be open from October 26 to November 26, 2022.
The purpose of the call is to stimulate artistic creation, promote critical reflection and update aesthetic and/or research perspectives through different forms and languages, and open new fields and approaches for analysis and reflection on collections and objects belonging to cultural institutions of throughout the country, in turn expanding access and dissemination of heritage protected by provincial, municipal, community and/or private museums.
For this, the Ministry of Culture, through the Secretariat of Cultural Heritage, will grant 30 (thirty) scholarships of $300,000 (three hundred thousand pesos) each to artists, researchers, researchers, curators and curators from all over the country to carry out carried out, during the period of between two and four months, a work proposal.
The amount of each scholarship includes both the project’s own expenses and travel expenses. Activate Heritage: Research Scholarships in Argentine Museums is a call that is included in the Activate Heritage line.
The work proposal may be an academic, curatorial or artistic investigation. The theme is of free choice, as is the format and/or support for the presentation of the final result (printed and/or digital text, artistic installation, audiovisual production, 3D model, digital and/or face-to-face exhibition, etc.).
The applications may be individual or collective, in the latter case one of the members must be designated as responsible for the presentation.
The call will be open from October 26 to November 26, 2022.
For more information, access the “Downloads” to the Bases and Conditions Activate Heritage: Research Scholarships in Argentine Museums – 2022 Edition.
Who can apply?
Artists, musicians or musicians, actors or actresses, performers, poets, writers or writers, playwrights or playwrights, essayists, curators or curators and researchers from all disciplines and areas of knowledge, advanced trajectory or training, who live in any part of the country.
What are the amount and duration of the scholarship?
The amount of the scholarship is $300,000 for each one, awarded in a single payment. At the end of the time stipulated for the realization of the proposal (established in between two and four months), the period of the scholarship will be considered finished, and the result of the proposed project must be presented.
What are the requirements to enroll?
Have Argentine citizenship or permanent residence in the country, without age restriction. Have a letter of endorsement from the institution (provincial, municipal, community or private museum) from whose patrimonial heritage the project will be carried out.
How are applications made?
Applications will be received exclusively through the Federal Cultural Registry platform:
In order to apply, interested persons must have an account or create one, for which they must complete the basic information requested by the Federal Registry of Culture. Once the account is enabled, they can enter the Registry and register for the call by following the link “Open Calls” and selecting the option “Activate heritage: Research Grants in Argentine Museums”.
Queries about the call should be sent by email to the following address: .
Queries about the Federal Register of Culture should be sent by email to the following address: .