Two postdoc openings at the Department of Art History, Masaryk University
The two positions are offered on a full-time basis. The successful applicants will take up the positions from September 2021 or as soon as possible after that date. Both positions are limited to two years, with the possibility of a one-year extension. Short-listed candidates will be invited to an online interview in late June / early July.
Job description:
– To contribute to the research project “Remote Access: Understanding Art from the Distant Past” (Principle Investigator: Dr. Jakub Stejskal) by pursuing questions relevant to the problem of recovering the aesthetic or artistic aspects of objects from distant cultures.
– To publish and present research results (articles, presentations at conferences, lectures for public, etc.).
– To participate in the activities of Jakub Stejskal’s research group.
– A PhD degree in Art History, Philosophy, or fields relevant to the research topic and obtained within the last five years (exceptions permissible in cases of parental or medical leave).
– Professional focus on methodology of the history/anthropology/archaeology of art or on philosophical aesthetics
– Proficiency in written and spoken English (knowledge of Czech not required)
– Ability to clearly formulate research results
– Ability to work in an international and interdisciplinary team
Attachments to the application:
– cover letter
– research proposal (max. 2 pages)
– contact details of two references
– a structured curriculum vitae
– education certificates (diploma copies)
– list of publications (if applicable)
– a writing sample in the form of an essay or dissertation chapter (in English)
Additional information:
To learn more about Jakub Stejskal’s research profile, visit Jakub Stejskal’s group will be part of a research centre headed by Prof. Matthew Rampley.
Masaryk University is one of the two largest universities in the Czech Republic and is located in its second largest city, Brno (roughly half-way between Prague and Vienna). The two postdocs will enjoy the benefits of a full employment at Masaryk, including social security and health care coverage. The salary after deductions will amount to roughly CZK32,000 (€1260) per month (a single person estimated monthly costs are CZK14,188 without rent, for more information on the cost of living in Brno, see
Dr Jakub Stejskal, NOMIS Fellow
eikones – Center for the Theory and History of the Image
Universität Basel, Rheinsprung 11, CH-4051 Basel