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Curadores Cité internationale des arts

Residency for Curators

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Cité internationale des arts x Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Residency for Curators, Paris, France

Location: Paris, France
Stipend: €1,000 per month
Deadline: March 31, 2025

Fondation Gulbenkian and the Cité internationale des arts have co-constructed an annual residency program for curators of all nationalities based in Portugal with a minimum of five years of professional experience. Initiated in 2023, the aim of this programme is to facilitate mobility and to support research, as well the expansion of the professional network of curators of the Portuguese art scene.

Two curators will be selected in the framework of this program and benefit from a three-month residency, professional networking, as well as financial support.

All the information and practical questions are to read below (please consult these elements before submitting your application).

The Residence

The laureates will benefit from:

• Tailor-made support, meeting and networking organised by the partners of the residency programme;

• The provision of a live-in-studio on the Marais site of the Cité internationale des arts;

• A living allowance (dedicated to travel, catering and insurance costs) of 1000 euros per month, including tax;

• A research/production grant of 1000 euros (including tax);

• A travel allowance of 250 euros (incl. VAT) between home in Portugal and the Cité internationale des arts, upon presentation of proof of payment.


The residency programme is open for curators that:

•        Live and work in Portugal;

•        of all nationalities;

•        that can prove at least 5 years of experience in curatorial practices.

Collective applications must be made in the following manner, depending on the case

• the project is common: a single application must be submitted on behalf of both artists

• the projects are different: two separate applications must be submitted (please indicate in the “miscellaneous remarks” section at the end of the form that you wish to share a studio and specify the name of the second applicant).

Successful applications for collective projects involving more than two artists are exceptional, given the number of studio flats available under the programme. They will result in the unique allocation of a live-in-studio, a single living grant and a single production grant.

The applications will be examined by a multidisciplinary jury composed of qualified personalities from the French and Portuguese creative sectors.

In addition to evaluating the professional background, the members of the jury will pay particular attention to

• the artistic quality of the application and the research project presented;

• the arguments presented on the need for this residency perspective in France and at the Cité internationale des arts;

• the planned working protocol and the contacts or partnerships already established with a view to developing a residency project.

Apply via the link below: